The Entreprenuer Equation By Carol Roth
Carol Roth

You can join Carol Roth & a cadre of others to help SCORE meet their goal of growing 1 million successful new businesses by 2017.

Consider donating a copy of The Entrepreneur Equation to SCORE.  You can find the address of a local SCORE chapter by clicking here.

To learn more about this goal and about SCORE, view the video below and read the following personal letter from Carol.


I am beyond thrilled to be partnering with SCORE nationally and would love to partner with you personally to help achieve the goal of creating one million successful new businesses by 2017.

As you well know, small businesses are being touted as the growth engine that will save our economy. But I am sure you that would agree it will only be the case if we can change the success statistics related to small business. I believe in the mantra, “if you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail” and with up to 90% failure rates of businesses, entrepreneurs need more interactions with valuable advisors like the ones at SCORE.

My quest is to both: (i) educate small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs about the realities, risks and rewards of entrepreneurship; and (ii) give them real tools to create successful businesses, so that we can ensure longevity and success in entrepreneurship. Starting with the framework in my new book, The Entrepreneur Equation, and continuing through ongoing advice given by SCORE volunteers, we together can minimize business failures and help entrepreneurs start bona-fide businesses only when they have done all of the preparation necessary to give them the best odds to succeed. Plus, we can ensure they receive the needed ongoing help, mentorship and quality advice as they grow.

Through various individuals like yourself, corporate sponsors, my publisher BenBella Books and myself, copies of The Entrepreneur Equation book are going to be donated to each of your chapters upon the book’s release in March and on an ongoing basis. I wrote The Entrepreneur Equation specifically to provide the framework for entrepreneurs to look at their motivations, timing, opportunities and personality in the context of their own personal goals and circumstances. SCORE volunteers will be using the books as a starting point with many of the entrepreneurs that come to them for advice.

Again, I am privileged and excited to work hand-in-hand with SCORE and with you towards this amazing goal. I look forward to the collaboration.

Kind Regards,
Carol Roth


Established in 1964, SCORE (www.score.org), is a nonprofit association dedicated to educating entrepreneurs and helping small businesses start, grow and succeed nationwide. SCORE is a resource partner with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and has 350 offices with 13,000 mentors that help start nearly 20,000 businesses each year.

From startup questions (how do a write a business plan?) to growth questions (how does a net promoter score affect customer loyalty), start with your local SCORE chapter.